Al Campanario

Al Campanario

Bed & Breakfast

In onze B&B met slechts 3 gastenkamers bieden we onze gasten graag comfort en persoonlijke service in alle privacy. De B&B bevindt zich op een zijplein van de marktplaats (Plaza Almijara), naast de kerk en dus in het centrum van het leven van een typisch Andalusisch witgekalkt dorp. Vanuit Al Campanario moet je geen 20??? wandelen of de auto nemen??? De B&B biedt het dorpsleven op de deurdrempel. Binnen een straal van 50m heb je restaurants , winkels, smalle straatjes, pleintjes en gezellige cafés. De kamers zijn rustig gelegen en luxueus ingericht. Onze kamers zijn extra ruim en de hoge plafonds en Sevillaanse cementvloertegels, samen met de gepaste aankleding en inrichting, geven Al Campanario de charme van weleer. Anderzijds werden de verblijven met de nodige luxe gerenoveerd zodat u maximum kan genieten van uw verblijf of doorreis in Andalusië. Met zonne-energie trachten we ook milieubewust te helpen aan een betere omgeving. Op het dakterras kan je genieten van de zon, de vergezichten op de bergen en de zee en wegdromen of chillen in het loungeset bij een lekker glas en Spaanse tapas. We geven je graag tips en informatie over bezienswaardigheden en de omgeving. Als je uitstappen wil doen, reservaties maken voor wandeltochten, kano op zee, golf, canyoning , fietshuur??? helpen we je graag verder. Wil je afgehaald worden van de luchthaven omdat een huurauto niet hoeft??? ook dat kan ! In onze ontvangstkamer geniet je van een glas wijn aan de open haard in de zithoek. In onze boekenkast vind je inspirerende boeken, folders en routekaartjes over Spanje, Andalusië en de kunststeden Malaga, Granada, Cordoba, Cadiz enz. Uiteraard maak je gratis gebruik van onze WIFI. Elke ochtend bereiden wij voor u een uitgebreid ontbijt. En uiteraard mag naast expresso/koffie en thee een vers fruitsapje niet ontbreken in het land van de appelsienen! Of u nu een vroege vogel bent of liever lekker lang uitslaapt, wij passen ons aan uw tijdsschema aan. Wie zich graag culinair laat verrassen, kan mee aanschuiven aan tafel voor een 4-gangendiner. Annemie kookt graag en haalt inspiratie uit de Frans Belgische maar ook Italiaanse en Spaanse keuken. ???s Ochtends bij het ontbijt zal het menu gepresenteerd worden en kunt u beslissen of u uzelf ???s avonds culinair wil laten verwennen. Deelname aan ons diner is uiteraard geheel vrijblijvend. Voor de liefhebbers mag een lekker flesje Spaanse wijn uit ons assortiment zeker niet ontbreken. We hebben een honesty bar ter beschikking . Voor de bierliefhebbers staan er verschillende soorten bier gekoeld naast diverse frisdranken en waters.


Accommodatie - indeling

vanaf € 70 / nacht

1-4 personen
Suite This comfortable and spacious twin room (33m²) provides a main bedroom and an en suite bedroom, both for 2 persons and is ideal for a family with 2 children. The main bedroom (17 m²) is fitted with a double bed (2 beds of 90x200cm connectable) , the en suite bedroom (9 m²) provides a bunk bed (2 beds of 90x200cm). Your suite has a small entrance hall and a separate bathroom with shower, lavabo, hairdryer and toilet. Further you can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling), a TV set and spacious storage room to leave your things. ??? ???80,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs) Loft This authentic spacious and comfortable twin room (25m²) with a saddle roof with wooden beams is fitted with a twin bed (200x200cm) and offers an en suite shower area, lavabo, toilet and hair dryer. Further you can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling), a TV set and spacious storage room to leave your things. ??? ???80,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? When occupied by more than 2 persons, an extra fee of ???25 per person is charged ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs) Sólo This comfortable single room is fitted with a double bed (140??200 cm) and provided with a shower, lavabo, safe, toilet and hairdryer. You can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling) and spacious storage room to leave your things. This room can also be booked for 2 people. ??? ???70,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs)

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Accommodatie - indeling

vanaf € 70 / nacht

1-4 personen
Suite This comfortable and spacious twin room (33m²) provides a main bedroom and an en suite bedroom, both for 2 persons and is ideal for a family with 2 children. The main bedroom (17 m²) is fitted with a double bed (2 beds of 90x200cm connectable) , the en suite bedroom (9 m²) provides a bunk bed (2 beds of 90x200cm). Your suite has a small entrance hall and a separate bathroom with shower, lavabo, hairdryer and toilet. Further you can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling), a TV set and spacious storage room to leave your things. ??? ???80,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs) Loft This authentic spacious and comfortable twin room (25m²) with a saddle roof with wooden beams is fitted with a twin bed (200x200cm) and offers an en suite shower area, lavabo, toilet and hair dryer. Further you can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling), a TV set and spacious storage room to leave your things. ??? ???80,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? When occupied by more than 2 persons, an extra fee of ???25 per person is charged ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs) Sólo This comfortable single room is fitted with a double bed (140??200 cm) and provided with a shower, lavabo, safe, toilet and hairdryer. You can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling) and spacious storage room to leave your things. This room can also be booked for 2 people. ??? ???70,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs)

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Accommodatie - indeling

vanaf € 70 / nacht

1-4 personen
Suite This comfortable and spacious twin room (33m²) provides a main bedroom and an en suite bedroom, both for 2 persons and is ideal for a family with 2 children. The main bedroom (17 m²) is fitted with a double bed (2 beds of 90x200cm connectable) , the en suite bedroom (9 m²) provides a bunk bed (2 beds of 90x200cm). Your suite has a small entrance hall and a separate bathroom with shower, lavabo, hairdryer and toilet. Further you can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling), a TV set and spacious storage room to leave your things. ??? ???80,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs) Loft This authentic spacious and comfortable twin room (25m²) with a saddle roof with wooden beams is fitted with a twin bed (200x200cm) and offers an en suite shower area, lavabo, toilet and hair dryer. Further you can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling), a TV set and spacious storage room to leave your things. ??? ???80,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? When occupied by more than 2 persons, an extra fee of ???25 per person is charged ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs) Sólo This comfortable single room is fitted with a double bed (140??200 cm) and provided with a shower, lavabo, safe, toilet and hairdryer. You can find air-conditioning (heating and cooling) and spacious storage room to leave your things. This room can also be booked for 2 people. ??? ???70,??? per night, per room incl. breakfast and 10% VAT (occupied by 2 pers.) ??? When occupied by 1 person, room rates are discounted by ???10 ??? Our rooms are non-smoking ??? Our Bed and Breakfast is not accessible for wheel chairs (too many stairs)

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